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Projects: Video
Game Designer

Professional Projects

Projects: Projects

Among Us Mods

2023 - Present / C# (Unity)

While working at DoubleJump Games, I have been creating various mods for Among Us.


I work in a very small team for each mod, with only one other developer. We are responsible for the entire mod. This includes all of the programming, art integration, and even sometimes design decisions. We also work directly with YouTube content creators and adjust the mod live based on their feedback.


Hot Wheels Unlimited - Endless

2023 / C# (Unity)

Hot Wheels Unlimited is another mobile app that I worked on while at Budge Studios.


I primarily contributed to the new Endless Mode. I worked on the core setup for the mode, including integrating the endless level generation. I also adapted the game's controls for the 3-lane system and implemented the intro cutscene. In addition, I provided support on powerup and collectable integration.


Paw Patrol Rescue World

2021 - 2023 / C# (Unity)

Paw Patrol Rescue World is a mobile app for kids that I worked on at Budge Studios.


I was a Gameplay Programmer and so worked on constructing some of the new activities, interactions, and characters through the entire process from initial prototype to final polish. I worked in a medium sized team and so collaborated on a daily basis with other programmers, artists, designers, and testers.

Videogame on Screen

Personal Projects

Here are some of the things I've been working on in my free time!

Projects: Projects

Dozer Derby

2023 - C# (Unity)

Dozer Derby is a competitive local multiplayer game where you carve a path through the trees to collect a treasure and return it. The key is that while holding the treasure, you can't cut down trees so you must navigate the existing paths while the other players gang up on you.


Dozer Derby was made for the Kenney Assets Jam 2023 for the theme of "Exploration".



I was the lead programmer throughout the jam and was responsible for the level system and various gameplay logic systems. I worked with 3 others, including one other programmer.



2023 - C# (Unity)

Downroot is an arcade game about where you try to grow your plant further into the ground. You need to get water to grow further and avoid rocks that will block your path. Reach the center of the planet to find the infinite water source and grow as big as possible!


Downroot was made for Global Game Jam 2023 for the theme "Roots".



I was responsible for the backend logic of the roots and integrating various gameplay interactions. I worked with three others, including one other programmer.



2022 - C# (Unity)

ORB:IT is a casual arcade game where you use a magnet to rearrange the orbs in the level so they are all on their matching pillars.


ORB:IT was initially built for TOJam 2022 for the theme "That Shouldn't Be Here". We then expanded it, integrated ads, and later released on both iOS and Android.



I was responsible for much of the core gameplay systems during development. I was also heavily involved in integrating ads and preparing the app for mobile deployment. I worked with three others, including two other programmers.


Get Out Me Dungeon

2022 - C# (Unity)

Get Out Me Dungeon is a reversal on the classic dungeon delving formula, where you have to try and stop the hero from breaching your dungeon's defenses and claiming your treasure for themselves. 


Get Out Me Dungeon was built for Ludum Dare 50 for theme "Delay The Inevitable".



I was responsible for the room interactions and general gameplay flow. I worked with three others, including two programmers.



2021 - C# (Unity)

Soul-O is a puzzle-platforming game in which the player controls two characters that are tethered together. Every few seconds, a burst of energy travels along the tether from one character to the other, killing them unless the player strategically blocked them with the environment. There are 40 unique puzzles to solve.

Soul-O was prototyped in 48 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2021 which had the theme of "Joined Together" and was later expanded and released on and Armor Games.


I was the sole programmer on the project and I worked with one other person.


Dizzy Defenses

2021 - C# (Unity)

Dizzy Defenses is an arcade puzzle game about building keeps to protect the royals. Crown icons represent possible keep locations and the player must surround them with walls to complete construction. The catch is that the walls can only be moved by rotating the towers they attach to.


Dizzy Defenses was made in 48 hours for the Kenney Jam 2021 with the theme "Rotation".



I was the sole programmer for the project and I worked with one other person.


Storage Shuffle

2021 - C# (Unity)

In Storage Shuffle, the player runs a fruit stand with very limited storage. However, more fruit keeps being delivered daily! The player must strategically place the items into the storage room so they can be sold before the pile outside grows too large.


Storage Shuffle was made in 72 hours for the Indie Tales Jam 2021, for the theme of "One Room". It was ranked 8th overall out of 291 submissions.



I was the sole programmer for the project and I worked with one other person.


Ubisoft NEXT Tower Defense

2021 - C++ (Ubisoft NEXT API)

I participated in the Ubisoft Toronto NEXT Programming Challenge in March of 2021. A barebones rendering API was provided by Ubisoft and I spent the week ahead of the competition building a fully featured Entity Component System (ECS) on top of it. Ubisoft then announced the theme and so I had 48 hours to create a Tower Defense game. The game has multiple level layouts, 8 unique enemy types, a final boss, permanent upgrades, and consumable abilities.



Aside from the original barebones API, I completed the entire project myself.


Spell Painter

2021 - Python (OpenCV and PyTorch)

Spell Painter was a final project for a graduate-level computer vision course. The game uses OpenCV with the player's webcam to track their hands and hand gestures. The player casts spells by drawing glyphs and their glyphs are interpreted by a convolutional neural network.


I completed the entirety of the main project. My thesis supervisor helped to submit it to the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction where it was published as a full paper that I presented.


Echo / Echo+

2021 - C# (Unity)

Echo is a Unity plugin that I made for my Master’s Thesis. It records data during game sessions and can replay it visually later. This reconstruction allows the user to analyze multiple gameplay sessions quickly while also interacting with them and viewing them from unique perspectives. Its updated version is known as Echo+.


I was the sole designer and developer for Echo. I was the first author and presenter on the full paper that was accepted at CHI PLAY 2020, which I worked on with my thesis supervisor. Similarly, I am the first author on our published journal article in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.



2019 - C# (Unity)

For a 4th year HCI course, we built a game to help new VR users get comfortable with physically moving while playing. I made an analytics tool (later called FRVRIT - Full Room Virtual Reality Investigation Tool) to help us check if the game did in fact increase player movement. FRVRIT records data from VR peripherals and visualizes it in an interactable 3D scene. It can show the data as a point cloud, voxel heatmap, or animated replay. It also displays stats like total movement in meters.



I helped a small amount with the development of the main game but ran many of the user evaluations. I designed and built the full analytics tool myself, and was first author on the Late Breaking Work publication at CHI 2019.

Screenshot of Hacky Bug, with multiple bugs about to reach an obstacle

Hacky Bug

2019 - C# (Unity), C++ (DLL)

Hacky Bug was a final project for an artificial intelligence course. It is a Flappy Bird clone but the bugs are controlled by artificial neural networks. Over time, the bugs learn how to fly properly through a genetic algorithm that favours distance and obstacle avoidance. The main game was built in Unity but the neural networks were built from scratch in C++ and hooked in via a DLL.



I worked alongside three others. I was responsible for writing the neural network class in C++ as well as building the basic game code in Unity. I then worked with another programmer in the team to tie it all together and troubleshoot it.

Ophthalmoscope peripheral connected to a laptop with a Unity project running on it

Virtual Ophthalmoscope

2018 - C# (Unity), C++ (Arduino)

The virtual ophthalmoscope was a final project for a hardware class. We designed, coded, printed, assembled, and wired a peripheral that could be used to train eye doctors in virtual simulations. The device was fitted with a slot to hold a tracker for the HTC Vive and so it worked within a VR scene as well. 



I worked with two others during this project. I co-designed and built the device. I also planned out the electronics. In addition, I wrote all of the Arduino code and built all of the Unity demo.

Screenshot of Roboat Racing, with two players competing on the same screen

Roboat Racing

2018 - C# (Unity), C++ (DLL)

Roboat Racing is a multiplayer kart racing game for up to 4 players. Players have access to powerups and traps to attack and defend against other players. The caveat is the unique control scheme. The left and right engines are controlled independently by the left and right thumbsticks on the controller. It received the Best 3rd Year Game award at the university's showcase.



I worked with four other team members. I was the lead programmer on the main game. Additionally, I was solely responsible for networking the game via a C++ DLL with the WinSock API, which was a course requirement.

Screenshot of Monday Night Mines, showing both VR player in-game and in real life

Monday Night Mines

2017 - C# (Unity)

Monday Night Mines is a VR game that was developed for Ontario Tech's faculty, for use at open-house events. The player in VR is tasked with protecting a net that is always behind them on their moving platform. They must knock mines away from the net with the correct coloured paddle to achieve this. The university wanted a game that could also be enjoyed by those outside of VR. As such, we added a spectator camera system that mimicked sports broadcasting. The cameras are visible in VR, allowing for interaction from the VR player.


I was the lead programmer on the project and I worked alongside four others. An additional person also made music for the project.



2017 - C++ and OpenGL

Bustle is a multiplayer game in which players must pilot buses and battle to knock each other off a floating platform. The last bus standing wins. The game and engine are built from the ground up in C++ and OpenGL, with the exception of some external libraries such as Bullet and FMOD.



I was responsible for the engine programming during this project. As such, I coded the data pipelines, shaders, post-processing effects, and so on. I was also responsible for some of the gameplay programming and design. I worked with five others.

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